Shot Blasting is a unique technique that involves blasting small metal particles at high speed onto a surface to clean or prepare it for further treatment.
Shot Blasting is used in many industries, from automotive manufacturing to construction. But have you ever wondered where this innovative method came from and how it has evolved over time? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the origins of shotblasting, its history, different types of shot blasting, and its modern-day applications. So buckle up and get ready to blast off into the world of shot blasting!
Shot blasting is known to have originated in the early 19th century, when it was first used by craftsmen for cleaning and preparing surfaces. Over the years, the technique has been refined and advanced to include a variety of materials that can be blasted onto surfaces. Nowadays, Shot Blasting is used extensively in a wide range of industries, from aerospace engineering to food processing.
When Was Shotblasting Invented?
Shot blasting is a process that has been around for centuries. However, it was not always called shot blasting. The exact date of when shot blasting was first used is unclear as there are no records to prove its origin. Howeever, Shot blasting is said to have originated from the early 19th century.
Some historians believe that the concept of shot blasting may have originated in ancient China where they would propel abrasive materials using bamboo tubes. Others think that the idea came from Europe during the Iron Age where blacksmiths would use sand or grit to clean and shape their metalwork.
During World War I, steel pellets were first introduced to blast cleaning surfaces for painting and coating. However, it wasn’t until after World War II when automatic shotblasting machines were developed which revolutionized the industry.
Today, industries ranging from automotive manufacturing to aerospace rely on advanced forms of shot blasting technology to prepare and finish surfaces for various applications. The evolution of this process continues with new advancements being made in automation and robotics allowing for even more precise surface preparation while reducing labor costs significantly.
Origins of Shot Blasting…

During World War II, automatic shot blasting machines were developed to clean metal parts for aircraft production at a faster pace than ever before. These machines utilized centrifugal force to propel steel shots onto metal surfaces with incredible speed and accuracy.
Today’s modern automatic shot blasters are capable of handling large volumes of workpieces efficiently while maintaining consistent quality standards across various industries such as automotive manufacturing and construction. Shot blasting has come a long way since its inception in the late nineteenth century with technological advancements making it more efficient over time whilst reducing labour costs across various industries worldwide today.
How Pangborn Originated…

Pangborn was established by two military serving brothers. While serving in the desert during world war II. They were caught in a sandstorm, they took refuge inside their tank. Once the storm had passed, they noticed all paint from the tank had vanished, being blasted off during the sandstorm. Thus began their concept of creating shot blasting machinery on their return to the USA.
In 1904 Thomas Pangborn established the company Pangborn, with manufacturing facilities operational in Hagerstown, Maryland, USA – developing the first prototypes of Shot Blasting machinery. This was a 69 acre site – built on what then named; Pangborn Bullivard.
Subsiquent to manufacturing facilities and headquarters being established in Hagerstown, Maryland, Thomas Pangborn set to work in creating a community for those that worked for Pangborn.
Pangborn has since moved its headquarters to the metro Atlanta, Georgia, area in 2008. In 2019, Pangborn opened its state-of-the-art Customer Technology Center in its global headquarters location in Georgia. This was a stratigic move due to an engineering university being located in close proximity, with the goal of being close enough to offer engineering graduates an oppertunity with Pangborn.

The Pangborn Connection to Centriblast…
Centriblast is a well-known name when it comes to shot blasting equipment manufacturers. The origins of Centriblast can be traced back to the late 1940s, this is when Pangborn produced machines under licence for the UK and European markets.
Pangborn technology was issued under licence to Centriblast UK enabling Centriblast to develop and enchance automatic blast cleaning for use with agriculture, casting and processing of fabricatated parts. One of the first of this kind was supplied to John Bamford Engineering in Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, UK.
With a constantly evolving technological landscape throughout the years, Centriblast has continued to innovate their designs and improve upon existing technology while maintaining our commitment to quality manufacturing processes.
Today’s modern Centriblast machines are used across many industries including aerospace, engineering, automotive production lines as well as foundries worldwide.

In Summary…
In summary, shotblasting is a highly effective method of surface preparation that has been used for over a century. The process involves propelling abrasive materials at high speeds onto the surface being cleaned or prepared, resulting in a clean and smooth finish. Shotblasting has come a long way since its inception, with new technologies and techniques making it more efficient, faster and safer than ever before.
The origins of shot blasting can be traced back to the early 20th century when it was first used in foundries to remove sand from castings. Since then, shot blasting has expanded into many different industries including construction, automotive manufacturing, shipbuilding and aerospace.
One of the main advantages of shot blasting is its ability to create an even texture on surfaces while also removing contaminants such as rust and paint. It’s also environmentally friendly compared to other processes that use chemicals or solvents.
There are several types of shot blasting available today that cater to specific applications. These include wheel blasting machines for heavy-duty cleaning tasks and airless automatic blasting systems for continuous production lines.
More Details
If you’d like more details on Manual Shotblasting Equipment or Automatic Shot Blasting Equipment and Abrasives, manufactured and supplied by Centriblast-Pangborn. Visit our website, altrernativley contact us on – 01352 712 412 or email us at –