Automatic Shot Blast Machine: Service & Maintenance Packages
Pangborn UK provide service and maintenance packages that can be tailored to meet your own individual business needs and budget. Packages are available with all Automatic Shot Blasting machines, supplied and manufactured by Pangborn. We can tailor anything from basic packages and advanced support options, to simply just providing additional coverage as per applicable for your machinery, business and budget requirements.
Note: Service and Maintenance support is available for any brand and any type of automatic machine.
Machine Installation and Operator Training is also available.

Automatic Blast Machine Retrofits & Upgrades
Retrofits and Upgrade Options Available for ANY Brand of Machine.

Other Brand: Service & Maintenance Packages
Pangborn UK also provide service and maintenance packages for non-Pangborn Automatic Shot Blast Machines. Our highly experienced team of Pangborn engineers and machine breakdown specialists can support any brand or type of Automatic Shot Blast Machine. Whether your current support service can’t support, or you’re looking for a more reliable, all-inclusive package of support. Pangborn UK can fully support and brand or type of Automatic Blast Machine your company or business operates with.
Note: Pangborn Service & Maintenance Plans are also available with 24/7 call-out support.
Pangborn Automatic Blast Machines
Fully Supported with Global Operator Training, Service & Maintenance Packages