Pangborn Wire Mesh Belt Blast Machines (Continuous Flow) are designed for customers who want a versatile machine that can de-scale wire from 0.08 – 3.14 in (2 – 80 mm) in round, square, or hexagon shapes.
The blast chamber is designed with blast wheels positioned around the circumference of the wire
Types Available: Belt, Monorail & Roller
Featuring an endless belt conveyor, the Pangborn Continuous Belt Conveyor Blast Machine is ideal for rotation-symmetric shock and vibration sensitive work pieces (brake drums, brake discs, wheel rims, etc.). Work pieces are blast cleaned in a continuous flow and in a reliable, cost effective manner.
The Pangborn Heavy Duty GN Barrel Blast Machines (Metal Belt) is exclusively designed to thoroughly clean all types of castings, forgings, weldments, heat-treated work, and stampings. Our barrel blast machines are designed to process a variety of work pieces that can be tumbled, and the endless conveyor belt and lateral